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Privacy Policies


The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Privacy Policy




              Data Protection Policy – Jonathan Davies Photographic


Policy statement

Jonathan Davies as the owner of Jonathan Davies Photographic is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, staff (if applicable) and others in accordance with The Data Protection Act 1998. Any breach of The Data Protection Act 1998 is considered to be an offence.

As a matter of good practice, other organisations and individuals working with Jonathan Davies Photographic and who have access to personal information, will be expected to have read and comply with this policy.


Purpose of data held by Jonathan Davies Photographic

Data may be held by JDP for the following purposes:

1. Accounts & Records

2. Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations

3. Information and Databank Administration

4. Journalism and Media

5. Research

6. Staff Administration (if applicable)


Data Protection Principles

In terms of the Data Protection Act 1998, Jonathan Davies of JDP is the ‘data controller’, and as such determines the purpose for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is, or is to be, processed. JDP must ensure that all data is:


1. Fairly and lawfully processed

Jonathan Davies Photographic will always put its logo on all paperwork, stating their intentions on processing the data and state if, and to whom, it is intended to give the personal data. Also provide an indication of the duration the data will be kept.


2. Processed for limited purpose

Jonathan Davies Photographic will not use data for a purpose other than those agreed by data subjects (individuals, staff (if applicable) and others). If the data held by JDP is requested by external organisations for any reason, this will only be passed if data subjects (individuals, staff (if applicable) and others) agree. Also external organisations must state the purpose of processing, agree not to copy the data for further use and sign a contract agreeing to abide by The Data Protection Act 1998 and the JDP Data Protection Policy.


3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive

Jonathan Davies will monitor the data held for our purposes, ensuring we hold neither too much nor too little data in respect of the individuals about whom the data is held. If data given or obtained is excessive for such purpose, it will be immediately deleted or destroyed.


4. Accurate and up-to-date

We will provide all (individuals, staff (if applicable) and others) with a copy of their data once a year for information and updating where relevant. All amendments will be made immediately and data no longer required will be deleted or destroyed. It is the responsibility of individuals and organisations to ensure the data held by us is accurate and up-to-date. Completion of an appropriate form (provided by Jonathan Davies Photographic) will be taken as an indication that the data contained is accurate. Individuals should notify us of any changes, to enable records to be updated accordingly. It is the responsibility of JDP to act upon notification of changes to data, amending them where relevant.


5. Not kept longer than necessary

Jonathan Davies Photographic discourages the retention of data for longer than it is required. All personal data will be deleted or destroyed by Jonathan Davies Photographic if a period over 24 months has passed without individuals, staff (if applicable) and others requesting services or otherwise from JDP.


6. Processed in accordance with the individual’s rights

All individuals that Jonathan Davies Photographic holds data on have the right to:

 Be informed upon the request of all the information held about them within 40 days

 Prevent the processing of their data for the purpose of direct marketing

 Compensation if they can show that they have been caused damage by any contravention of the Act

 The removal and correction of any inaccurate data about them


7. Secure Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of data.

Jonathan Davies of Jonathan Davies Photographic has a computer which is password protected. The password on the computer is changed frequently. All personal and financial data is kept electronically and backed up to a secure cloud account, which can only be accessed by Jonathan Davies, Owner of Jonathan Davies Photographic. When JDP are meeting individuals, staff (if applicable) and others out of the office, care should always be taken to ensure that personal data on screen is not visible to strangers.


8. Not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area, unless the country has adequate protection for the individual.

Data must not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area without the explicit consent of the individual. Jonathan Davies Photographic takes particular care to be aware of this when publishing information on the Internet, which can be accessed from anywhere in the globe. This is because transfer includes placing data on a web site that can be accessed from outside the European Economic Area.

Updated 23rd April 2023