The blog /vlog

My blog/vlog page hopefully entertains and even educates the readers and viewers. Stories about photography, about video and also some useful tips along the way.

There is a series of 5 minute video interviews with a variety of professionals that can help you navigate your business through this current Convid-19 crisis.

How to Preserve Your Memories

I have been taking peoples portraits for more years than I care to remember. As a professional photographer I often get asked "what's next" ?? Can I have the files? (back in the day, it was, can I have the negatives), but, what are you going to do with the files? Probably nothing, they’ll stay in a drawer and get lost in a house move at some point.

I have the answers for you, with some very special wall art products and bespoke albums to help that you can treasure your memories for many years to come and share with your family for generations along the way. A range of wall art products to suit different tastes and budgets from small 7" x 5" framed prints to giant 60" metal art.

You can have a different number of framed photographs the same size or a mixture of sizes to form a feature in your home or office. I mention office, because in many companies there is a family heritage passed down through the generations and it’s really nice to see office walls adorned with the founders of the company proudly displayed for all to see.

For the latest wall art and display products please click on the link below:

Contact Jonathan using the contact page to find out more.