The blog /vlog

My blog/vlog page hopefully entertains and even educates the readers and viewers. Stories about photography, about video and also some useful tips along the way.

There is a series of 5 minute video interviews with a variety of professionals that can help you navigate your business through this current Convid-19 crisis.

Discretion and Privacy

I was recently asked by a former business client if I did personal portraits, that could be used for a dating site?

Yes of course I replied, portraits is where I started my photographic journey.

Discretion please? was requested, absolutely I replied.

I assured the former client that their privacy was assured.

I offered the former client a few different options and we loosely discussed the types of images required (indoor, outdoor, three or four changes of clothes).

I now have a new client and started thinking about the “discretion, privacy” statement I made to the client.

Some people are bold and brassy and others are quiet and shy and a whole lot of levels in between. Some people would instantly share the photographs I have taken for them on Facebook, Instagram, Tick Tock, etc. But others who are not so bold and brassy would want the assurance of privacy.

I researched the subject of dating site photographs, to find that, the basis of having professional photographs taken is exactly the same as it is in the business world, professional portraits come out tops. Selfies have their place, but if you are aiming for the stars!!! professional portraits can help you attract the right person for you. Photos in a group of people are also a no no, a cropped photo with the part of your Ex partner next to you is also a bad idea, the list goes on and on.

I won’t be showing you any of the photographs taken and I won’t have a “dating photographs” section on my website. You can see my work on my website, under the sections of Corporate Photography, Family Portraits, Couples Portraits and Weddings if you strike gold.

Due to the nature of the photo shoot my client was uncomfortable and nervous to start with, I reassured them, taking my time to help them relax, offering some suggestions on clothing and helping them with comfortable poses. We did numerous shots around the house, the dining area, the lounge and the study, then outdoors, again in different areas around the garden. Don’t worry if you don’t have a large garden or you have nosey neighbours, we can jump in the car and head off to your local woods, beach or parkland area.

My client actually started enjoying the experience within a short space of time and we now have a great selection of images that they can choose from.

I haven’t mentioned whether client was a he, a she or a they and I’m not going to either. What I am going to do, is promise to you that my Discretion is Assured and your Privacy is Guaranteed.