The blog /vlog

My blog/vlog page hopefully entertains and even educates the readers and viewers. Stories about photography, about video and also some useful tips along the way.

There is a series of 5 minute video interviews with a variety of professionals that can help you navigate your business through this current Convid-19 crisis.

Corporate Headshots with a difference

I think we have all established how important it is to have team headshots for your website, or your profile picture on various social media platforms and yes it’s still there and in print too. People like to know who they are dealing with and talking to, headshots are an important way to introduce yourself and your team to your audience and your potential clients.

I have some great news for you, I can help you “spice up” your corporate individual headshot photographs and team images as well as your branding photographs. Headshots don’t have to be taken in front of a white or coloured background, let me help you “Stand Out” from your competitors. Whether we stage them in your office, work around your local area or even rent a studio, together we can create some exciting team visuals that say “who you are” and “what you’re about”.

The photographs below are from two separate photo sessions, the first is for Dr Jill McGarry Sleep Better Doctor who wanted a series of images of herself working with her clients demonstrating what she does, for example, she holds seminars, she has private therapy sessions, she lectures at corporate wellness days and where else to take a photograph of a sleep specialist, but in a bed shop, thank you to Land of Beds in Helsby. The second session was part of a corporate photo session taken for Yellow Circle marketing agency in a disused pottery in Stoke on Trent that is now used as a photography studio and set. Is it time for you to think outside the box, get creative and produce exciting images of your team to capture the spirit of your business.

If you’re thinking of updating your team photos and would like to chat about your ideas, email me at or call Jonathan 07951 700871