The blog /vlog

My blog/vlog page hopefully entertains and even educates the readers and viewers. Stories about photography, about video and also some useful tips along the way.

There is a series of 5 minute video interviews with a variety of professionals that can help you navigate your business through this current Convid-19 crisis.

Now we need subtitles

Video to promote your business keeps evolving and I must say that is hugely important, but some things, you really have to think, why?

Company videos have improved over the years to become almost TV quality productions now. Camera’s are producing footage with incredible clarity, producers are pushing their boundaries too, continually looking to improve on every aspect of their productions.

Using two or more cameras giving a variety of camera angles also gives a more polished look. “B” roll is used extensively to set the scene and help tell the story, perhaps at a hotel, where footage would be shot to capture every aspect that you are trying to portray, including views from the outside, the foyer, special features such as a fountain in an indoor water feature, the reception area as well the booking in process. Function rooms either decorated in a corporate meeting setting or a wedding setting taken during the day and the evening reception. All aspects of the rooms, with their plush fittings, bedrooms and bathrooms, the balcony with views over the gardens, golf course or beach. Surrounding areas would be included to give the viewer a sense of where the hotel is situated in the city, country or resort.

We have set the scene of the video now, so you have a good idea of what to expect to see in the video that is going to be created and the work and preparations that need to be put in place as filming is planned.

A script written in conjunction with the marketing manager, or business owner to help explain the different aspects of your hotel and the service and luxury that guests can expect. Find a suitable voice over person either within the business or a professional artist.

There you have your first draft to review with the video production company, together working through any edits that you all feel that would improve the film.

Once you have been through that process once, twice or as many times as everyone has agreed or feel necessary, ( you can go on forever editing a film, at some point you have to say, “that’s it” ).

Ready to go, ready to launch your film through every media outlet that you have calculated you need to get your premises, your hotel out there front and centre……

But wait, no not yet!!!!!

Now you need to have subtitles on screen, so the viewer can read as well as hear and see your video to find out every aspect of your hotel. No this isn’t the version for people with a hearing disability, but for the general public who now have their devices on silent whilst they are scrolling through different media channels.

Here at Jonathan Davies Photographic we now provide two versions of a video for you, one with subtitles displayed on screen and one without subtitles displayed on screen at NO EXTRA cost to you.